Student Attendance Policy
Performances and competitions are an important part of the student’s music education and will be included in the determination of the student’s grade. Students who are absent from school due to illness (an excused absence) will also be excused from a rehearsal or performance that occurs on that day. If a student must miss a rehearsal or performance, a conflict slip must be completed and turned in to be approved prior to the rehearsal or performance. Acceptable excused absences are listed below:
- Health problems severe enough to keep a student at home or a request by a physician that the student not participate in the activity (include a note from the physician with the Conflict Form).
- Death in the family.
- School activities in direct conflict (Director’s discretion).
- Religious observance.
- Extreme emergencies at the discretion of the Director.
Dates and times of performances will be provided through email, facebook and the calendar on this website. Please notify the Director immediately of any attendance issues you may have. Failure to notify the Director of absences through the conflict slip will result in an unexcused absence which will negatively affect the class grade. Directors will evaluate each absence and may make allowances for extenuating circumstances.